
Found 17 search results for: euro area

Marta Postuła, Jacek Tomkiewicz (2019/5, Articles, p. 590)

Fiscal Adjustment and Public Finance Management in the euro area

This article focuses on the effects of corrections to the budgetary policy in eurozone economies. The goal is to check whether advancement in implementing modern tools of public management is helpful in the time of fiscal adjustment. The authors assume that the most important role of a performance approach in conducting fiscal policy is the ability of government to implement an active (...)

Zbigniew Matkowski, Mariusz Próchniak, Ryszard Rapacki (2016/6, Articles, p. 853) OPEN ACCESS

Real Income Convergence between Central Eastern and Western Europe: Past, Present, and Prospects

The paper presents an analysis of real income convergence between 11 countries of Central Eastern Europe which have joined the European Union (EU11) and 15 countries of Western Europe (EU15) in the period 1993–2015. The evolution of the income gap between the two groups of countries in terms of GDP per capita at PPP reveals a clear-cut tendency to income convergence over the analyzed period (...)

Piotr Ptak (2016/4, Miscellanea, p. 607)

Fiscal Conditions for Growing out of Debt in Europe

Sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone put in the spotlight the issue of restoring the balance in the public finances of indebted countries as to resorte their capacity to borrow again on financial markets. Restoring fiscal balance will be a difficult task due to poor economic outlook in most EU countries, particularly in the euro area. The attempts to accelerate economic growth by means of (...)

Jan L. Bednarczyk, Piotr Misztal (2016/4, Articles, p. 546) OPEN ACCESS

Does the euro area move towards the low inflation trap?

The euro area is one of the slowest-growing areas of the global economy. Developmental problems of the euro area are in contradiction with the main objectives of the economic and monetary union, formulated in the Maastricht Treaty, and call into question the benefits of further deepening of European integration. The challenge for the effectiveness of economic policy conducted by the (...)

Karolina Konopczak, Aleksander Welfe (2015/4, Articles, p. 463)

The Balassa-Samuelson Effect and the Mechanisms of Its Absorption

The Balassa-Samuelson effect and the effectiveness of the potential channels of its absorption require deeper research, especially with regard to the catching-up prospective members of the euro area. The analysis presented in the paper allows to assess the magnitude of infl ationary pressure resulting from the real convergence process and, hence, the risk of inadequacy of the common (...)

Aneta Hryckiewicz, Małgorzata Pawłowska (2014/4, Articles, p. 517)

Changes in the Financial Supervision and Their Impact on the Financial System in the EU Countries

The aim of the paper is to assess various models of financial supervision existing in the world, trying to answer the question whether current changes in the shape of the supervision over financial markets can improve the effectiveness of the oversight and reduce the consequences of future crises. The paper brings two interesting conclusions. First, there is no single optimal model of (...)

Paweł Smaga (2014/4, Articles, p. 489)

The Optimal Design of the First Pillar of the Banking Union

The article aims to answer the following research questions: (1) what are the goals of the banking union and is it able to achieve them? (2) what ‘structural birth defects’ of the SSM may limit its effective functioning? (3) how the creation of the banking union will influence the European safety net? Deductive method and literature review are used. The reasons for the creation of the (...)

Michał Gradzewicz, Jakub Growiec, Robert Wyszyński (2013/5, Articles, p. 591)

The Inefficiency of Employment Allocation in the Business Cycle in Poland

The authors have calculated the cyclical component of the inefficiency gap regarding the allocation of employment in the Polish economy in the period 1995 Q1–2011 Q2 and decomposed the inefficiency gap into its component elements related to wage and price markups. Inefficiency gap was found to be strongly procyclical while both markups appeared to be anticyclical. The fluctuations in the (...)

Piotr Misztal (2013/5, Miscellanea, p. 681)

The Effect of Import Prices on Inflation in the euro area

Kazimierz Łaski, Jerzy Osiatyński (2013/1, Articles, p. 9)

Consolidation of Public Finance and the Euro Crisis

The authors see the roots of the present euro-zone crisis in three pillars of market fundamentalism on which the construction of the European Economic and Monetary Union is founded: 1) separation of a common monetary policy from national fiscal policies of individual member countries; 2) the goal of government budget equilibrium which is believed to provide macroeconomic stability of each (...)

Marcin Mucha (2012/4, Miscellanea, p. 487)

The Mechanism of Economic Divergence in the euro area

Sławomir I. Bukowski (2012/3, Miscellanea, p. 339)

The Degree of Financial Markets Integration in the euro area

Katarzyna Piłat (2012/3, Articles, p. 325)

The Index of Optimum Currency Area for the Polish Economy

The theory of the optimum currency areas (OCA) is an important reference point in the analysis of monetary unions. The article presents the analysis of the synthetic OCA index based on the concept developed by Bayoumi and Eichengreen (1998), aimed to assess the conformity of several EU economies not yet included in the euro area with the requirements of the OCA theory as regards their (...)

Heller Janusz, Kotliński Kamil (2012/2, Miscellanea, p. 227)

Public Finance in the EU-15 Countries and the Participation in the euro area

Jerzy Osiatyński (2011/5, Articles, p. 659)

Preconditions of Poland’s Entry to the euro area

A ssuming that the European Economic and Monetary Union survives its current financial crisis, the author tries to answer the question what conditions Poland should meet prior to entering the eurozone that would enable it to maintain and strengthen its competitive position after the entry to the euro area. The ability of any free trade zone member country to sustain its competitive position (...)

Robert W. Włodarczyk (2011/4, Articles, p. 527)

Differences in the Sectoral Structure of Working Population in the euro area

The article brings a statistical analysis of differences seen in the sectoral structure of working population between the NUTS 2 regions of the euro area in the period 1999–2008, including the analysis of changes in the structure over time. The analysis is based on statistical data from the Eurostat data bank on the working population aged above 15 years. Data processing and calculations (...)

Marian Gorynia, Barbara Jankowska, Maciej Pietrzykowski, Piotr Tarka, Marlena Dzikowska (2011/4, Articles, p. 471)

Poland’s Accession to the euro area and International Competitiveness vs. Internationalisation of Polish Enterprises

The potential accession to the euro zone is a very current issue for Poland. Its importance is increased by the consequences of the recent economic crisis that can be seen in the global economy and particularly in the economies of EU member states. The article presents some findings of studies carried out within the research project “Influence of the accession of Poland to the euro zone on (...)
